The beginning of The Real Estate Agency MANASO
Maria used to be the owner of a financial company for 12 years. Moreover, she was a lecturer in “Stock exchange – Its Functions and Operations” and a former CEO at a real estate investment fund. She graduated with masters in International Economic Relations and has a MBA from City University of Seattle.
Anastas has graduated as an engineer, worked a couple of decades as a professional financier and owns an investment company. Moreover, he used to be the manager of fond exchange company. However, his biggest passion is interior design and has achieved awards from the magazines “Our home” and “Casabrava”.
Our team is small, but our main aim is to be the perfect professionals. We strongly hope that our hard work with integrity and honesty manages to impress you.
All of us dream of finding the perfect place for work or living; the niche which is to create for us the perfect atmosphere; the home or the office which is to have the view, the space and the feeling that it is part of us; the space that has hidden our hope for a better life. Living in a dynamic world, we stop looking for that inimitable harmony between the human energy and the physical world which helps us to feel at home. Led by the wish to embark on this journey of searching together with you, we promise loyalty, responsibility and deep commitment to your expectations. After carrying out an in-depth analysis of the Bulgarian real estate market, our team has concluded that a lot of the possible clients want to buy an estate driven not only by emotional motives, but also by the feeling that they should make a wise and long-term investment. With us your intentions, requirements, possibilities and perspectives will be discussed thoroughly, directed and realized in full confidence, commitment and clear time ranges. I view of the abundant supply of this service on the market, we would like to clearly differentiate ourselves from the competition by offering:
- personal and professional attitude towards your property
- minimum waste of time as well as full and detailed consideration of all the client’s requirements
- our working time is based on your free time
- financial analysis of your investment
- accurate and fair / good / realistic / careful / detailed / thorough / objective market assessment made for the for the time of purchase
Our wish is to be not just brokers, consultants and specialist, but also loyal friends whom you can trust.